This USB to TTL adapter is based on the CP2102 USB to TTL serial converter IC. It is commonly used when microcontrollers like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, PIC etc have to communicate with computers through serial communication. As USB has DATA lines D+ and D- that can be connected and routed by CMOS switches. The USB can be connected to many peripheral devices and has a very fast speed of data transfer also it is used with Windows, Mac or any other operating system. On the other hand, Arduino and other microcontrollers works on UART data transfer protocol i.e. TTL logic level data transfer protocol it only works on 0V or 5V logic levels. That is why we need a USB to TTL serial converter IC so that Arduino or any other controller which work on UART protocol can be connected to the computer. It can also be used to program and or communicate with a GPS/GSM module through AT commands. The module supports both 3.3V and 5V interface.
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